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<title>Wicket Examples - guice</title>
This page uses <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/">Google Guice</a>.
There is a service interface called <code>IMyService</code>, with an implementation POJO called <code>MyService</code>.
Guice is used to wire the implementation into the <code>Page</code> using an <code>@Inject</code> annotation. You can use this
annotation on the fields of any <code>Component</code> subclass.
The value of the <code>Label</code> component below will be updated with the return value from one of the service's methods when you click the link.
<hr />
Value: <b wicket:id="message" id="message">Message goes here</b>
<br />
To update the label above, <a href="#" wicket:id="link">click here</a>.
<hr />
The wicket-guice project will take care of proxying the injected beans so that your pages can be serialized safely.
To configure your application for Guice injection, see the javadoc for <code>GuiceComponentInjector</code>.