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This page uses custom home page request mapper. Loading http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples/mappers/ automatically appends a preconfigured locale: http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples/mappers/en_US

en_US Localized
bg_BG Localized
de Localized

Clicking to any of the links above will lead to a page mounted at "localized" path but the session locale will be automatically set depending on the locale in the url. I.e. loading http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples/mappers/bg_BG/localized will show the page with text localized in Bulgarian.

Go to https - clicking this link will redirect the browser to https://wicketstuff.org/wicket-examples/mappers/secured.
Note: this site is not configured to work with HTTPS so your browser will report that the address cannot be found. Please use browser's back button to return.

A page mounted with PackageMapper

A mounted resource that prints sheets in different formats